Friday, August 5, 2022

 Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me; You will stretch out Your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and Your right hand will save me. Psalm 138:7


One of the favorite things for people to do in the summer is vacation on the beach. The sun’s warmth, the sand under your feet, and the calm relaxing sounds and views of the ocean’s waves as they cover the shore in a continual motion. But under the water is anything but calm and relaxing. There are animals that live in the sea and every day it’s a challenge to survive. Everything is seeking its next meal, and if you go out there, you could be next!


No doubt life for you is no different. There are people out there who’d love to tear you down, even destroy you. Destroy your character, your witness, even your family. And those enemies I truly believe are workers of satan. Satan uses the chaos of life to make God’s children struggle. If he can keep them in a state of anger, frustration, fear, and depression, they become less effective for the Lord’s work.


Thankfully each child of God is given His Holy Spirit to help sustain life in this dog-eat-dog world. No one is immune from the discord this world and its wicked leader’s attempt to bring down God’s house. But we know who wins the battle, God! You truly have nothing to fear, nothing to depress you or anger you. It’s simply a tactic to steer your focus away from the goodness of God.


When troubling times come, recite today’s verse and know that God is your protector, shield and always available in times of trouble. He will save His children from the chaos of life. Put your trust and faith in Him! God bless!

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