Friday, August 26, 2022

 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16


One of my grandson’s favorite activities is “hide and seek”. He will run through the house and find anything he can go under or cover up with to hide his presence from me as I search for him. Even if his feet are exposed, as long as his head is covered, he feels hidden from the seeker.


Sadly, many Christians play hide and seek with the world. Exposure of their beliefs and standards of living often gets hidden from those outside the faith for fear of rejection. Instead, they are quick to bend and mold into the environment they walk into, oftentimes throwing a blanket over their light of faith.


Do you find this to be true in your life? Does fear of rejection keep your faith hidden from those who really need to see the light of Christ in their life? Jesus already bore the title “rejected”, it’s up to you to shine the light that He illuminated for the world to see. There is no hide and seek if your faith if genuine. Your love for mankind should resemble that of Christ. The burning desire to save others through His sacrifice should be the motivation needed to keep your light shining.


Prayer: Dear Lord, help me to shine my light of faith into the world. You are the saving grace the world needs to see through my words and actions. Help me be that light.

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