Saturday, August 27, 2022

 He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first. John 8:7b


In the story of a woman caught in an adulterous affair (John 8:3-12), she was brought before Jesus, and they asked if she should be killed by stoning in accordance to the law of Moses. Jesus remained silent during their questioning, and at one point basically said, let him who has no sin throw the first stone. It was at that moment that everyone’s sin was on the table and no one was any better than the adulterous woman.


For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is a gift of God. Ephesians 2:8


As humans, we are sinful by nature. It’s totally unavoidable, nothing you can do can make you as holy as God. Yet, God in His infinite wisdom and great love for His creation (you and me), gave of Himself in the form of human flesh, Jesus Christ, to make payment for mankind’s sin. Nothing other than faith in Jesus Christ can save you. This saving grace is free to those who believe and want to follow the narrow path of Jesus Christ.


As you look upon others, don’t judge, don’t believe your life is any better than someone else. But find the love of Christ in your heart to pray for your neighbors, and show them grace and mercy. We are all in the same boat, so throw not the first stone, but help them back up on their feet and embrace them with the love of Christ.

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