Monday, August 22, 2022

 And it happened that the father of Publius lay sick of a fever and dysentery, Paul went in to him and prayed, and he laid his hands on him and healed him. Acts 28:8


Have you ever experienced a ship wreck in your life? Something happened in your life that came out of nowhere, leaving you floundering, and trying to understand why this crisis came upon you! The very same thing happened to Paul when he was held prisoner on a ship. During the course of their journey, a storm came and wrecked the ship on land (Acts 27:39-Acts 28:10). It was there that Paul was able to share the good news of Jesus Christ and heal people on that island. Had Paul not experienced this ship wreck, those people might not have ever heard the gospel of Christ.


God’s plan never stops, regardless of the conditions surrounding His children. Sometimes God has to bring storms into your life to accomplish that mission. You might see these moments as failure, frightening, painful, even question God’s faithfulness. All those feelings and emotions are normal when disaster strikes, but God has a plan and purpose for every storm. Although your vessel is ship wrecked, your faith is what will see you through and work towards fulfilling God’s purpose at that moment of trouble.


When disaster strikes, ask God what His plan is for you and how you can bring purpose through the painful, frightening, and feelings of failure. Nothing that happens to you, as a Christian, is by chance. It will always have a purpose to grow your faith in the Lord as well as accomplish His plan. Trust in Him when life ship wrecks your vessel. God bless!

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