Tuesday, September 6, 2022

 But He turned and said to Peter, “Get behind Me, satan! You are an offense to Me, for you are not mindful of the things God, but the things of men.” Matthew 16:23


In today’s passage, Peter, one of Jesus disciples, questions Jesus words when He informs them that He must suffer and die to make payment for mankind’s sins. Jesus responded by telling satan to get behind him, basically telling Peter his intentions were not spirit driven. Jesus had a mission to accomplish and He needed no words of discouragement from the task at hand.


The devil is good at using people we know, trust, even our closest loved ones to work against us. How can you keep yourself from being influenced by satan through people in your life? By maintaining a constant state of prayer and focus on God! Thankfully God gives us His Holy Spirit, who resides in each child of God, to censor misinformation. When something outside God’s will is presented, His Spirit sends a warning signal to use caution when engaging in conversation that is not from above. Staying in tune with the Spirit is key to successfully staying on the path of righteousness and not being swayed in the wrong direction.  


Before you even walk out the door today, ask God to guide you throughout the day, giving you warning to the enemy’s lies and deceit. Listen for God’s voice of reasoning and ask Him to guide you in the way of truth. He will do it and bless your commitment to trust Him and not the things of men. God bless!

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