Wednesday, September 14, 2022

 Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me; You will stretch out Your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and Your right hand will save me. Psalm 138:7


It seems the days of a simple, easy going life are no longer. Every day presents its challenges and struggles. The people we work with, the people we encounter throughout the day’s journey, even some of those we live with can make life difficult (and no I’m not talking about my wife!). Lord knows I’ve had my struggles this year and at times I have felt completely defeated, even on the days I work hardest to achieve success.


The one thing I do every day is pray. Within 5 minutes of exiting my bed, I get down on my knees and pray about the day. I pray for the people I will be around, the circumstances I’ll face and ask God to help me navigate through the day’s challenges. Although the day might be full of challenges, God is always faithful to cover me with His hand of protection and sustain me, when others would simply raise the white flag of surrender.


Your life is no different. God loves you and wants to help you throughout each day. Give Him 5 minutes of your time in prayer and I promise you, He will show up and sustain you through it all. Your enemy, satan, does His best to discourage and tries to take your focus off God. When discouraging things come your way, turn to Him in prayer for revival, He will sustain you! Start today in prayer and never lose sight of God’s presence in your life, each minute of the day! God bless!

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