Tuesday, September 13, 2022

 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13


Have you ever heard someone say, “that’s impossible” or “that won’t work”. That person has given up all hope and faith that something could actually happen; it’s outside the realm of their understanding. Maybe you are facing a grim situation that appears to have no hope, leaving you without much faith. Let me remind you of today’s passage. I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me.


This world in which we live has its challenges and everything that happens, whether to you or someone else is always under God’s control. He has either allowed it to happen or He authored the circumstances Himself. Either way, He knows the details, right down to the final outcome. Your faith and trust in Him is the key to successfully navigating through the difficulty. You can present your desire and wishes for a specific outcome, but the ultimate answer resides in His will and purpose.


No matter what challenges you face, God is aware of your needs and desires and already has a planned outcome. What seems impossible and outside the realm of your understanding is just the very thing that will encourage you to believe HE can do all things in and through your life with faith in Him. The things which are impossible with men and possible with God. Luke 18:27

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