Monday, September 12, 2022

 He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. Psalm 147:3


September 11, 2001 was a day of shock and deep mourning for the loss of so many innocent lives. Nothing, in the history of our country, impacted so many lives than 9/11. What happened on that dreadful day brought change to this country. On September 12, 2001, thousands attended church services across the country, people flew the American flag with pride, those in public service were our heroes and together people prayed for this country’s healing.


As I look over the past 21 years since 9/11, I’ve seen this country literally unravel at the seams. Where has the unity gone? Where has the pride in America and its flag gone? Who is our hero now? I believe God is shaking His head in disbelief and what a shame we’ve allowed the unity to rip apart.


We don’t’ need another 9/11 to change America. We need Christians to come together and pray for this country and its leadership. Our country is hurting, the citizens are divided and our blessings have fallen away and given over to fruitless deeds of darkness. Prayer and unity are the only way this country will truly experience the healing of God. It all starts with YOU.


If you truly care about this great nation, pray and ask others to join you in prayer. Seek after the will of God for your life so you can join His plan to save mankind from themselves. Together we can change the course of this nation, one prayer, one person, one nation under God! God bless!  


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