Wednesday, September 28, 2022

 Do all things without complaining and disputing. Philippians 2:14


The message is short but to the point, do everything without complaining and disputing. It’s easy to find things to complain about: work, family, our neighbors…all of these things can be annoying and our mouths are quick to spew out our dislikes. Over the years of my life, I’ve met many people absorbed in negativity and complain constantly about how things are done. Being in ear shot of those people turns me off, including my desire to hear their toxic message.

 that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world. Philippians 2:15

As Christians, we must always take a different path. Negativity and disputing dampen the light that wants to shine from within. If we are labeled as a “complainer”, no one will listen and our spiritual purpose will be thwarted. There is a common term used for negative people, “negative Nancy”. I apologize if your name is Nancy….no intentions directed towards you.


Don’t be the negative Nancy no one wants to listen and be around. You eventually will find yourself isolated from others, and your message will dry up like a flower stem, broken from the main branch. Ask God to filter your thoughts and heart so you can remove the negativity and complaining and find positiveness, even in a negative environment. God bless!

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