Sunday, December 11, 2022

 ..and for me, that utterance may be given to me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains; that in it I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak. Ephesians 6:19-20


The Apostle Paul proclaimed Jesus Christ to anyone and everyone who would listen. His ministry and words spread across the globe and encouraging believers of places where their faith is tested by other religions and governments who seek to wipe our any existence of Jesus Christ. Paul’s words were written while he was in chains, bound because of his preaching, but that didn’t stop him from proclaiming Jesus Christ.


As you read and think about his condition, you are grateful you aren’t in chains because of your faith. But are you really free? Even with the freedoms of America, certain work places, neighborhoods and local communities’ frown upon sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. The peer pressures of these places to “hush” Jesus, in fact put you in chains. Think about it. Can you think of places where sharing your faith in public would not be socially accepted? If so, you are no freer than Paul himself.


Chains and the severe punishment he took upon himself never stopped him from spreading the news of Jesus. If you find yourself in one of those “socially unacceptable” places to share your faith, maybe it’s time you open your mouth boldly for the sake of Christ. Most likely God has placed you right where the message of hope needs to be shared. Pray and think about it today and ask God to give you the confidence and boldness to share your faith as an ambassador in chains. God bless!

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