Saturday, December 3, 2022

 For a thousand years in Your sight are like yesterday when it is past. Psalm 90:4


Have you ever known someone who always runs late? They never make it to work on time, or to special events, and they’ll probably be late for their own funeral (that is a joke). People have their own time tables and when they do show up, to them, they are right on time. Maybe I’m speaking of you?


Well, many believe God can be slow to answer prayers and take action when action is needed. Today’s passage gives a glimpse into His world that never operates by a clock, everything runs on His eternal vastness. God knows each and every situation you encounter, His Holy Spirit lives inside each child of God, so He knows the pressures you face. Yet, He choses to respond when best and it always runs the course of His will for your life.


But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. James 1:4


Maybe you are asking for God to intervene in something and according to your view point, He needs to act now. Put your faith and trust in Him as you lift your request into His throne room and patiently wait on Him. He will respond and give you His best. God will never leave you short handed for the things you need in life and what slips away was never meant to be there in the first place. God bless!


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