Thursday, November 30, 2023

 2 John 1:8 Watch yourselves, that you do not lose what we have accomplished, but that you may receive a full reward.

“Hold the line” is a statement used by the military, encouraging the soldiers to prevent the enemy from breaking through the line of ground they've taken. That line requires soldiers to be brave and sometimes sacrifice their life in the heat of battle. 

Today's verse encourages Christians to stand their ground, not wavering in faith, from the workings of Jesus Christ and His disciples, who've given their lives to spread the gospel message. You are blessed to have the resources for life through God's word and His Holy Spirit.

You might be sitting comfortably and feeling safe in your environment, but don't let that freedom you enjoy give way to Satan. He will do all he can to wreck your faith and hold you hostage in fear from sharing the gospel truth with those are still in the dark, searching for a light. God never intended for you to sit by in idleness. 

Hold the line! The battle still rages today and it's up to you to keep advancing the message of hope. God bless. 

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

 If we are faithless, He remains faithful; He cannot deny Himself. 2 Timothy 2:13

 Have you ever failed God by doing something totally outside His will? The feeling of guilt and shame can be a heavy burden, even for the most devout Christian. Peter was a good example of this when he denied knowing Jesus Christ three times as He was being persecuted. The bible says after Peter realized what he had done, he went out and wept bitterly. Do you think he feared Jesus would reject him? Do you fear Jesus would reject you for a sin you’ve committed?

 Today’s verse gives assurance for each child of God that even in times when we fail Jesus, He still loves us and remains with us. Why? Because upon acceptance of Jesus Christ into your life, you receive God’s Holy Spirit. His Spirit resides in you (Romans 8:16)! So, if He is in you, how could He deny Himself? He can’t and He won’t. You are His forever, throughout all eternity. No matter how badly you sin, you’ll never loose your salvation.

 Now that doesn’t give you free reign to go out and sin. No, you are a new creature, created in Christ Jesus for good works; the works of the Lord. Walking in obedience with Him daily, and when you do sin, you immediately seek His forgiveness. You live in a fallen world. The temptation to sin is great, but His Spirit helps in your weakness and by His power you can overcome any obstacle Satan throws at you.

 Don’t let your failures question God’s love and acceptance of you. His love is unconditional, that is why He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, here in the first place, to be that atonement for your sins. Embrace your freedom and walk in confidence knowing you are a child of God, forgiven and loved, even when you are at your weakest. God bless!


Tuesday, November 28, 2023

 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

 One of my favorite things to do in retirement is make writing pens out of various woods. I order pen kits, which provide detailed instructions on how to make the pen from cutting and shaping the wood, and putting all the pen’s components together. If I miss one step in the process, the entire project could be a total loss and waste of my time.

 If you have a few years of life under your belt, you probably think you’ve got things figured out. You know what works and doesn’t and you pursue things that you believe will benefit your life. Poor choices or mistakes can cause a lot of pain, agony, and time wasted. But do you know there is a better way of navigating life?

 Today’s verses in Proverbs 3:5-6 provides a simple basis for the Christian’s life. Trusting God in all areas of your life and following His lead, by faith, will ensure your pathway through this life will have a solid foundation. Yes, you’ll still make mistakes, but those will be used to grow your faith and dependence upon the Lord. You stand a better chance at living a fulfilled life by following and trusting God than you do on your own. Why not start today, and every day, trusting God to direct your steps. God blesses obedience and He has plenty to share with you!


Saturday, November 25, 2023

 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy – meditate on these things. Philippians 4:8

 The other day I was in my workshop and listening to the news (which was probably not a good idea). There was nothing good said and I actually began to feel anxiety over what I heard. Finally, I turned off the news and started listening to Christmas music (good choice). The rest of the day I sang Christmas songs, even after leaving my shop.

 What steers your thoughts and emotions? If you are like most people, it’s the things you read, hear, see, and the conversations you engage with others. These experiences replay over and over in your mind. This can be good or bad, depending on what you allow into your mind. Today’s passage provides a structure for what you should feed your mind and heart.

 These things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you. Philippians 4:9

 Do the movies you watch, books you read, music you listen to, and conversations generate praise and honor God? If so, continue. If not, maybe it’s time to change the channel, pick up a book on Christian living, and find friends who can provide beneficial conversations. When you do, your mind will focus on the qualities in todays passage, Philippians 4:8. And best of all, you will experience a peace in this troubled world. God bless!



Thursday, November 23, 2023

 As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving. Colossians 2:6-7

 Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you have plans to share the day with family and friends. As a child of God, you have much to be thankful for in your life. Jesus Christ paid for your sins, eternally securing you a place in Heaven with His family. Until that glorious day, you are gifted with God’s Holy Spirit. Not alone, you have the incredible presence of your maker right there within you. Through faith, you have been gifted with what few have found: hope for tomorrow, security in this life, and most of all a love that comes with no conditions.

 Today’s passage is a great reminder that in your journey with Jesus Christ, thanksgiving should abound. Having a thankful mindset creates an awareness of God’s blessings, and your eyes begin to see His hand working in your life, which strengthens your faith, as you develop the characteristics of Jesus Christ. A spirit of thanksgiving benefits your life in many ways, and today is a good time to begin that mind transforming attitude that should prevail in your life.

 If you’ve got Jesus Christ, you’ve got all you need to be thankful for on this special day of Thanksgiving. If Jesus Christ isn’t a part of your life, click the following link for more information and choose to accept Jesus today, you’ll be eternally thankful! God bless!

How can I accept Jesus as my personal savior? (


Wednesday, November 22, 2023

 But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts. Romans 13:14

 Years ago, I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. From the moment of my diagnosis the doctor put me on some medicine to help control my blood sugar. Thinking it would work, I didn’t change my eating habits and continued to eat donuts and other sweet foods that I enjoyed. Over time, my diabetes has gotten worse and now I’m having to take insulin daily. The medicine is the solution, but it won’t work unless I get serious about doing better. To this day I still struggle at times, but slowly trying to change my diet for the better.

 Today’s verse gives every Christian the perfect solution for abstaining from sin, make no provision for it. Just like my lifestyle change with diabetes, to overcome sin’s temptations, you have to stop going places, doing things, and looking at things that stimulate a desire for your specific sins. We all have our weaknesses, and admitting your sin problem and desiring to make lifestyle changes is a must if you are going to overcome them.

 No temptation has overtaken you except such as common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with temptation will also make a way of escape, that you may be able to bear it. 1 Corinthians 10:13

 God has taken care of the sin problem through His Son’s death on the cross, providing a spiritual connection with Him through His Holy Spirit. That gift of His Spirit will guide you daily, warning you when on the pathway to sin and provide a way out. It’s up to you to chose that exit door.


Satan uses sin to make you feel less worthy of God’s love and forgiveness. Choose to make a lifestyle change by putting on Jesus Christ daily and shielding yourself from the things, people and places that entice you. You can do it with God’s help, and He will richly bless your obedience! God bless!

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

 Then the man bowed down his head and worshiped the Lord. Genesis 24:26

 Yesterday I did some work for my church. The tasks I had to accomplish were a bit challenging, but they had to be done. To prepare I prayed for God’s guidance and soften hearts as I sought to do His will. As I went from one location to the next, God opened the doors of opportunity and the day was productive. As I accomplished each task, I made sure to thank God for His goodness. I truly believe that kept the momentum up as I came home feeling positive about future tasks.

 Today’s passage comes from the story of Abraham who called upon his servant to find a bride for his son Isaac. He sent him to his homeland and gave specific instructions on how to find this special woman. This servant asked for God’s help and to his amazement, things played out perfectly, and he brought back Rebekah for Isaac. The servant on several occasions bowed his head and worshiped the Lord, giving thanks for His goodness.

 Just like you, God loves it when we acknowledge Him in the good times of life. He is the provider of all good things and worshiping Him should always be part of the equation. When you do, God multiplies His blessings in your life. I can assure you of this, as I’ve been witness to God’s blessings when I worshiped Him at every accomplished task. To take it one step further, worship Him even in the bad times of life, because He uses those challenging moments to strengthen your faith in Him (James 1:2-4).

Give credit where credit is due, worship God daily! God bless!

Monday, November 20, 2023

 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; And I will dwell in the house of the Lord. Psalm 23:6

 It’s another Monday morning. A start to a short work week for many. I recall Mondays were always days that overwhelmed me at work because I looked at the mountain of tasks that were ready for me to tackle that week. Some Mondays were so overwhelming, I just wanted to call in sick and stay home. Can you relate?

 As a child of God, it’s important to remember that God is with you every minute of every day. He is ready to help you accomplish those tasks. That mountain looks huge, but when you look back at the goodness of God, you can see that He has helped you in the past with whatever challenges you faced. And, He is still ready to help you this Monday and all the Mondays to come. This should give you the confidence to move forward, knowing He has your back.

 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13

 Ask God to help you accomplish what you feel is bigger than your ability and He will do it. Nothing is too big for Him. If you have doubts, just look back to see what He’s done in your life and you’ll be ready to do more through the strength He provides. You’ve got this friend! God bless!

Sunday, November 19, 2023

 That I may be encouraged together with you while among you, each of us by the other’s faith, both yours and mine. Romans 1:12

 It’s Sunday morning and some of you might be needing a reason to attend church today. Let me share some thoughts God laid upon my heart this morning. As you might have seen in the news, hundreds of thousands of people across the globe have joined together to show their approval or disapproval of the war in Israel. Those with common beliefs have come together in solidarity to show their support for either side of the issue. And together, their voices are heard and have most likely influenced decisions made on behalf of both sides of the conflict. Not to mention, their gatherings have helped motivate one another to continue their cause.

 If you live in America, or any country with freedom of religion, you are blessed. You should make every opportunity to join together with fellow believers to worship God in one accord, to show Him your thankfulness for blessing you and providing the freedoms you have to commune with people who share the same beliefs as yours. Just as today’s passage by Paul says, “to be encouraged together”.

 God never planned for you to live a life of solitude as a Christian. He wants you to join others for the cause of Christ. If we are going to make a difference in this world, the church family needs you to join them, to show support and to strengthen your faith in God. Together we can make a difference. Come join your local church today, you’ll be glad you came! God bless!

Friday, November 17, 2023

 A man who isolates himself seeks his own desire; He rages against all wise judgement. Proverbs 18:1

 One of my favorite things to do when we go to the Smoky Mountains is sit by a creek and watch the water flow over the rocks and listen to the sound of the rustling water. It’s so peaceful and relaxing, just watching the water flow gently down the stream. Those rocks in the streambed is what makes it so special, they slow the water’s flow and directs it’s path downstream. Without those rocks, the water would simply be like a raging river with no character.

 So, what does water flowing over rocks have to do with today’s passage in Proverbs? Question, have you ever wished you were on the only one in the world or you wanted to isolate yourself from the world? Just think, you wouldn’t ever have a conflict with someone or offend them, you could do as you pleased without being judged, and life would simply run at the pace you desired. I think we all feel that way from time to time, especially when faced with conflict or challenged by another person.

 Time alone is sometimes good for the soul, but sooner or later, your reasoning becomes self-centered and boredom will set in because you have no substance to your life. Your brief time on this planet is just a day on the calendar of eternity. God made you to interact with others, to make a life for yourself, which includes family, friends, neighbors, and those whom you have yet to meet. God never intended for you to live in isolation.

 The next time you want to seek shelter from the world, just remember, God has a plan for your life that involves other people, good and bad. It’s ok to take a momentary break from the challenges of life, but don’t let that become your prison, because Satan will use that time alone to speak lies into your mind, so you’ll find yourself wrapped up in unwise thinking. Make your life one to remember by staying engaged with others….your story isn’t over yet! God bless~


Tuesday, November 14, 2023

 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on our own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

 As a Christian, fully engaged in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, you will become aware of His presence in your life, helping you with life’s difficult moments and seeing you through them. As time goes on, you build up a storehouse of stories where He intervened on your behalf and worked through those challenges to make you stronger in your walk with the Lord. This confidence, in His abilities, helps you understand today’s verse more clearly.

 Trust is the essential ingredient of the Christian life. Trusting God, that He knows your current situation and believing that He will help you, gives you the confidence to face your troubles head on and follow God’s lead, without wavering in your faith. I can’t tell you the number of times He has come through for me, and each time I develop an inner peace, even in times of great difficulty. Yea, I’m concerned, but my concern is that I won’t falter in my faith as I trust Him in the process of working through whatever challenge I face.

 For He satisfies the longing soul, and fills the hungry soul with goodness. Psalm 107:9 

God wants to give you a fulfilling life. Psalm 107:9 is a good benchmark to measure your faith and trust in Him. If you aren’t experiencing the satisfaction and fulness of His goodness, maybe you need to step away from your earthly crutches and walk closer with God, in faith and trust. Once you can get to the point of standing in front of life’s difficulties with confidence, then you’ll know God on a deeper level and the peace you’ll experience, even in the storms of life, will help you as He directs your daily path. God bless!

Sunday, November 12, 2023

 It is good for me that I have been afflicted. That I may learn Your statues. Psalm 119:71

 I recall many times in my life when I had to endure great hardship either on my own doing or circumstances beyond my control. If I could have avoided them I certainly would, but avoidance wasn’t an option. Yet, through those difficult and challenging times, I drew closer to the Lord. He showed me His awesome power when I was at my weakest moments and delivered me from things that could have brought lifelong pain. Thankfully God looked out for my well being and I learned to trust Him, even in the bleakest of times.

Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. James 4:8

 Maybe you are in the middle of something that has totally drained you physically, mentally, even spiritually. It’s beyond your control and the days ahead don’t look hopeful. Friend, draw near to God and let Him help you in your moment of turbulence. And I say “moment”, because in the big picture of time over years of your life, it is just that, a moment. God will guide you through this difficulty when you surrender yourself completely to Him, trusting Him and walking in strict obedience. During this trial, He will show you some things that are life altering, which will strengthen and grow your faith for the next life crisis.

 Every day of your life has a lesson plan to improve your wisdom and give you confidence in God’s ability to help you in the most difficult days. Be patient and learn from Him. Your troubles are just a mere speck in the timeline of spiritual growth. He’s got something great in store for you at the next chapter, read it well. God bless!

Saturday, November 11, 2023

 And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Galatians 6:9

 It’s said that Thomas Edison failed 10,000 times before perfecting the incandescent light bulb. That’s a lot of failures! Not sure I would have continued after 5,000 times; but Mr. Edison continued because he had a vision and wanted to see it to fruition.

 What’s your vision? Maybe it’s to have a family one day with a spouse and children, a career that you desperately want, or maybe you too have a new idea you want to turn into a reality. Failure can put a damper on your spirit, no doubt, but the drive to continue when everything (and everyone) fails can make you question if your pursuits are worth the effort. I’m sure Edison felt the same at times, but that never stopped him from perfecting his experiments until everything came together. Just think about the billions of homes, businesses and streets that are illuminated all because Edison was determined to make his idea a reality.

 And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith. Matthew 21:22

 God wants to give you a fulfilling life and most likely that vision is something He put in your heart. Together with His help and your faith in God, you can accomplish much. Failure is one step closer to seeing your dreams come true. Never give up on your vision, keep the faith, and see it to fruition. God bless!

Friday, November 10, 2023

 For He satisfies the longing soul, and fills the hungry soul with goodness. Psalm 107:9

 A while back we installed “blackout” curtains in our bedroom. They have come in handy, especially with the time change and it being light early in the morning hours (I’m retired, so I can sleep later). But once I’m up, I throw open those curtains to let in the light so I can see as I walk through the bedroom during the day.

 Today’s verse in Psalms sounds nice, God satisfies the longing soul, and fills the hungry soul with goodness. Does He do that for you on a daily basis? One of the dangers in “self confidence” is we get accustomed to making our day perfect, our way. We close out the light of God as we seek after things and pleasures that bring us satisfaction; like a good book, a tasty cup of java, or anything that brings some satisfaction. But at the end of that book, at the last gulp of java, you are hungry for more.

 If you truly want satisfaction in your life, open the curtains to your heart and let God’s light shine in. In other words, seek after Him in every moment of life and He will truly satisfy you. Those things you pursue to make life good are only temporary and once they are dried up, you are searching for more. And Satan knows your desires and will often slip in something unworthy of God’s approval. But you won’t know it unless the light exposes the truth.

 Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4

Open your life to God’s light. Be transparent with Him as you seek to satisfy your heart. He will give you those things that will bring lasting satisfaction and unspeakable joy. Open your heart to Him today!


Wednesday, November 8, 2023

 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. Ephesians 6:11

 As you watch the news about the wars going on in Ukraine and Israel, do you think to yourself how thankful those battles aren’t going on here in the United States or wherever you live? I’m grateful we have a supreme military that stands ready to defend our country here and across the globe!

 Today’s verse gives clear instructions to be prepared to do battle with your enemy, Satan! You might be saved by the blood of Jesus Christ, but that doesn’t make you immune from Satan’s attacks to weaken your faith and distract you from remaining steadfast in the Lord. The covid pandemic certainly threw many Christians a curve ball by closing church doors and having worship in people’s homes. Sadly, because of this year long event, many have not returned back to their home church or stopped worshipping all together, making their walk with God on shaky grounds. Does that fit what’s happening in your life right now?

 You face a battle within yourself on a daily basis. Satan knows your vulnerabilities and can easy attack you at your weakest moment through a momentary thought of sin. Once carried out in your mind, it turns into disaster, leaving you feeling unworthy of God’s love. Been there myself and it’s a heavy weight of guilt to shed.

 Thankfully Jesus shed His blood to redeem you from those moments of weakness and failure.  It’s so important to gird your waist with truth, God’s word! Read it on a daily basis, stay in prayer so you won’t be inclined to hear the lies and deception of Satan, and keep reminding yourself that Jesus paid for your freedom from the chains of sin, so you can walk freely, untangled from the world’s distractions and pitfalls that keep so many of God’s children held hostage by living in fear and guilt. The outcome of your daily battles will be determined by your willingness to put on the whole armor of God, so you can come out victorious every day! God bless!


Saturday, November 4, 2023

 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. 1 Timothy 6:10

 My wife and I saw the movie “Killers of the Flower Moon”. It was the true story about the Osage Indians whose land was rich with oil. Companies came and drilled for abundant oil, providing the Osage Indians with royalty fees which made them wealthy. The white man took advantage of them by marrying into the Osage families and slowly killed off their family members and spouses, which made them next in line to receive the rich inheritance. Several men were instrumental in the demise of the Indians, and oftentimes quoted the scripture to cover their true purpose.

 Money has a way of driving people to do things they normally wouldn’t do. Although this is not the case of everyone, those who are enticed by its pleasures devote every means to accumulate more, sometimes in a good way and sometimes deceptively. Hopefully you are not that person, because eventually your evil intentions will be discovered, and as the characters in this true story, you will lose it all, everything, including those people who you treasure.

 Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content. Philippians 4:11

 One of the pitfalls of those who succumb to the evils of money is a lack of contentment. When there is a void, you long to fill it. If the void and desire is big enough that will make you chose things (or ways) to get ahead that are wrong or outside the will of God. Finding contentment in your life can be a struggle, but by focusing on the blessings of God, you will realize just how blessed you are. Another pitfall is comparing your situation with those around you. Social media has a way of making you believe that you are missing out on the good life because you see others prospering. Turn it off! It’s all fake news anyhow.

Spend more time in God’s word, and begin to thank Him for what you have and ask Him to help fill those voids with His blessings. I assure you he will do it. I leave you with one last verse and this is so true when you seek after God.

And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19



Thursday, November 2, 2023

 Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness. Genesis 1:26

 “The fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree” is a common expression when stating that children oftentimes resemble their parents. As you look at family photos, you can clearly see they look very similar. As an adopted child, I was fortunate to get to see a picture of my birthmother. I favor her in several ways, and seeing that made me feel connected to her.

 In Genesis we see that God made man and woman in His image, in His likeness. Just let that thought settle in for a moment. The God of this universe thought enough of you to create you in His image. Because God loves us, He wanted to make that connection with His creation. Let’s face it, He created everything on this planet (including the planet), the animals, water, land, grass, flowers trees…you get the picture. But the One thing He wants to connect with is you and me! Are you connected with Him?

 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10

 The most beautiful thing about a relationship with God is He is always working in the lives of His children to grow them into the image of Jesus Christ. The characteristics of God: love, peace, wisdom, forgiving…and many more; those traits is what He is always developing in and through your life when you seek after Him. The more you pursue Him, the more you resemble His likeness. Do others see those qualities and traits in your life?

 I can’t think of anything better I want for my life than to be like Him. If you struggle in certain areas (like all of us), pray and ask God to help reshape those areas that need His touch to transform your life into His character. Every day He will work with you to make that happen. Let your life be a reflection of His Holy Spirit, living through you, as you seek to conform to His likeness. God bless!