Wednesday, November 8, 2023

 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. Ephesians 6:11

 As you watch the news about the wars going on in Ukraine and Israel, do you think to yourself how thankful those battles aren’t going on here in the United States or wherever you live? I’m grateful we have a supreme military that stands ready to defend our country here and across the globe!

 Today’s verse gives clear instructions to be prepared to do battle with your enemy, Satan! You might be saved by the blood of Jesus Christ, but that doesn’t make you immune from Satan’s attacks to weaken your faith and distract you from remaining steadfast in the Lord. The covid pandemic certainly threw many Christians a curve ball by closing church doors and having worship in people’s homes. Sadly, because of this year long event, many have not returned back to their home church or stopped worshipping all together, making their walk with God on shaky grounds. Does that fit what’s happening in your life right now?

 You face a battle within yourself on a daily basis. Satan knows your vulnerabilities and can easy attack you at your weakest moment through a momentary thought of sin. Once carried out in your mind, it turns into disaster, leaving you feeling unworthy of God’s love. Been there myself and it’s a heavy weight of guilt to shed.

 Thankfully Jesus shed His blood to redeem you from those moments of weakness and failure.  It’s so important to gird your waist with truth, God’s word! Read it on a daily basis, stay in prayer so you won’t be inclined to hear the lies and deception of Satan, and keep reminding yourself that Jesus paid for your freedom from the chains of sin, so you can walk freely, untangled from the world’s distractions and pitfalls that keep so many of God’s children held hostage by living in fear and guilt. The outcome of your daily battles will be determined by your willingness to put on the whole armor of God, so you can come out victorious every day! God bless!


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