Friday, November 10, 2023

 For He satisfies the longing soul, and fills the hungry soul with goodness. Psalm 107:9

 A while back we installed “blackout” curtains in our bedroom. They have come in handy, especially with the time change and it being light early in the morning hours (I’m retired, so I can sleep later). But once I’m up, I throw open those curtains to let in the light so I can see as I walk through the bedroom during the day.

 Today’s verse in Psalms sounds nice, God satisfies the longing soul, and fills the hungry soul with goodness. Does He do that for you on a daily basis? One of the dangers in “self confidence” is we get accustomed to making our day perfect, our way. We close out the light of God as we seek after things and pleasures that bring us satisfaction; like a good book, a tasty cup of java, or anything that brings some satisfaction. But at the end of that book, at the last gulp of java, you are hungry for more.

 If you truly want satisfaction in your life, open the curtains to your heart and let God’s light shine in. In other words, seek after Him in every moment of life and He will truly satisfy you. Those things you pursue to make life good are only temporary and once they are dried up, you are searching for more. And Satan knows your desires and will often slip in something unworthy of God’s approval. But you won’t know it unless the light exposes the truth.

 Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4

Open your life to God’s light. Be transparent with Him as you seek to satisfy your heart. He will give you those things that will bring lasting satisfaction and unspeakable joy. Open your heart to Him today!


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