Tuesday, November 21, 2023

 Then the man bowed down his head and worshiped the Lord. Genesis 24:26

 Yesterday I did some work for my church. The tasks I had to accomplish were a bit challenging, but they had to be done. To prepare I prayed for God’s guidance and soften hearts as I sought to do His will. As I went from one location to the next, God opened the doors of opportunity and the day was productive. As I accomplished each task, I made sure to thank God for His goodness. I truly believe that kept the momentum up as I came home feeling positive about future tasks.

 Today’s passage comes from the story of Abraham who called upon his servant to find a bride for his son Isaac. He sent him to his homeland and gave specific instructions on how to find this special woman. This servant asked for God’s help and to his amazement, things played out perfectly, and he brought back Rebekah for Isaac. The servant on several occasions bowed his head and worshiped the Lord, giving thanks for His goodness.

 Just like you, God loves it when we acknowledge Him in the good times of life. He is the provider of all good things and worshiping Him should always be part of the equation. When you do, God multiplies His blessings in your life. I can assure you of this, as I’ve been witness to God’s blessings when I worshiped Him at every accomplished task. To take it one step further, worship Him even in the bad times of life, because He uses those challenging moments to strengthen your faith in Him (James 1:2-4).

Give credit where credit is due, worship God daily! God bless!

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