Sunday, November 12, 2023

 It is good for me that I have been afflicted. That I may learn Your statues. Psalm 119:71

 I recall many times in my life when I had to endure great hardship either on my own doing or circumstances beyond my control. If I could have avoided them I certainly would, but avoidance wasn’t an option. Yet, through those difficult and challenging times, I drew closer to the Lord. He showed me His awesome power when I was at my weakest moments and delivered me from things that could have brought lifelong pain. Thankfully God looked out for my well being and I learned to trust Him, even in the bleakest of times.

Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. James 4:8

 Maybe you are in the middle of something that has totally drained you physically, mentally, even spiritually. It’s beyond your control and the days ahead don’t look hopeful. Friend, draw near to God and let Him help you in your moment of turbulence. And I say “moment”, because in the big picture of time over years of your life, it is just that, a moment. God will guide you through this difficulty when you surrender yourself completely to Him, trusting Him and walking in strict obedience. During this trial, He will show you some things that are life altering, which will strengthen and grow your faith for the next life crisis.

 Every day of your life has a lesson plan to improve your wisdom and give you confidence in God’s ability to help you in the most difficult days. Be patient and learn from Him. Your troubles are just a mere speck in the timeline of spiritual growth. He’s got something great in store for you at the next chapter, read it well. God bless!

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