Friday, November 17, 2023

 A man who isolates himself seeks his own desire; He rages against all wise judgement. Proverbs 18:1

 One of my favorite things to do when we go to the Smoky Mountains is sit by a creek and watch the water flow over the rocks and listen to the sound of the rustling water. It’s so peaceful and relaxing, just watching the water flow gently down the stream. Those rocks in the streambed is what makes it so special, they slow the water’s flow and directs it’s path downstream. Without those rocks, the water would simply be like a raging river with no character.

 So, what does water flowing over rocks have to do with today’s passage in Proverbs? Question, have you ever wished you were on the only one in the world or you wanted to isolate yourself from the world? Just think, you wouldn’t ever have a conflict with someone or offend them, you could do as you pleased without being judged, and life would simply run at the pace you desired. I think we all feel that way from time to time, especially when faced with conflict or challenged by another person.

 Time alone is sometimes good for the soul, but sooner or later, your reasoning becomes self-centered and boredom will set in because you have no substance to your life. Your brief time on this planet is just a day on the calendar of eternity. God made you to interact with others, to make a life for yourself, which includes family, friends, neighbors, and those whom you have yet to meet. God never intended for you to live in isolation.

 The next time you want to seek shelter from the world, just remember, God has a plan for your life that involves other people, good and bad. It’s ok to take a momentary break from the challenges of life, but don’t let that become your prison, because Satan will use that time alone to speak lies into your mind, so you’ll find yourself wrapped up in unwise thinking. Make your life one to remember by staying engaged with others….your story isn’t over yet! God bless~


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