Wednesday, November 29, 2023

 If we are faithless, He remains faithful; He cannot deny Himself. 2 Timothy 2:13

 Have you ever failed God by doing something totally outside His will? The feeling of guilt and shame can be a heavy burden, even for the most devout Christian. Peter was a good example of this when he denied knowing Jesus Christ three times as He was being persecuted. The bible says after Peter realized what he had done, he went out and wept bitterly. Do you think he feared Jesus would reject him? Do you fear Jesus would reject you for a sin you’ve committed?

 Today’s verse gives assurance for each child of God that even in times when we fail Jesus, He still loves us and remains with us. Why? Because upon acceptance of Jesus Christ into your life, you receive God’s Holy Spirit. His Spirit resides in you (Romans 8:16)! So, if He is in you, how could He deny Himself? He can’t and He won’t. You are His forever, throughout all eternity. No matter how badly you sin, you’ll never loose your salvation.

 Now that doesn’t give you free reign to go out and sin. No, you are a new creature, created in Christ Jesus for good works; the works of the Lord. Walking in obedience with Him daily, and when you do sin, you immediately seek His forgiveness. You live in a fallen world. The temptation to sin is great, but His Spirit helps in your weakness and by His power you can overcome any obstacle Satan throws at you.

 Don’t let your failures question God’s love and acceptance of you. His love is unconditional, that is why He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, here in the first place, to be that atonement for your sins. Embrace your freedom and walk in confidence knowing you are a child of God, forgiven and loved, even when you are at your weakest. God bless!


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