Thursday, November 2, 2023

 Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness. Genesis 1:26

 “The fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree” is a common expression when stating that children oftentimes resemble their parents. As you look at family photos, you can clearly see they look very similar. As an adopted child, I was fortunate to get to see a picture of my birthmother. I favor her in several ways, and seeing that made me feel connected to her.

 In Genesis we see that God made man and woman in His image, in His likeness. Just let that thought settle in for a moment. The God of this universe thought enough of you to create you in His image. Because God loves us, He wanted to make that connection with His creation. Let’s face it, He created everything on this planet (including the planet), the animals, water, land, grass, flowers trees…you get the picture. But the One thing He wants to connect with is you and me! Are you connected with Him?

 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10

 The most beautiful thing about a relationship with God is He is always working in the lives of His children to grow them into the image of Jesus Christ. The characteristics of God: love, peace, wisdom, forgiving…and many more; those traits is what He is always developing in and through your life when you seek after Him. The more you pursue Him, the more you resemble His likeness. Do others see those qualities and traits in your life?

 I can’t think of anything better I want for my life than to be like Him. If you struggle in certain areas (like all of us), pray and ask God to help reshape those areas that need His touch to transform your life into His character. Every day He will work with you to make that happen. Let your life be a reflection of His Holy Spirit, living through you, as you seek to conform to His likeness. God bless!

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