Monday, November 20, 2023

 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; And I will dwell in the house of the Lord. Psalm 23:6

 It’s another Monday morning. A start to a short work week for many. I recall Mondays were always days that overwhelmed me at work because I looked at the mountain of tasks that were ready for me to tackle that week. Some Mondays were so overwhelming, I just wanted to call in sick and stay home. Can you relate?

 As a child of God, it’s important to remember that God is with you every minute of every day. He is ready to help you accomplish those tasks. That mountain looks huge, but when you look back at the goodness of God, you can see that He has helped you in the past with whatever challenges you faced. And, He is still ready to help you this Monday and all the Mondays to come. This should give you the confidence to move forward, knowing He has your back.

 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13

 Ask God to help you accomplish what you feel is bigger than your ability and He will do it. Nothing is too big for Him. If you have doubts, just look back to see what He’s done in your life and you’ll be ready to do more through the strength He provides. You’ve got this friend! God bless!

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