Sunday, November 19, 2023

 That I may be encouraged together with you while among you, each of us by the other’s faith, both yours and mine. Romans 1:12

 It’s Sunday morning and some of you might be needing a reason to attend church today. Let me share some thoughts God laid upon my heart this morning. As you might have seen in the news, hundreds of thousands of people across the globe have joined together to show their approval or disapproval of the war in Israel. Those with common beliefs have come together in solidarity to show their support for either side of the issue. And together, their voices are heard and have most likely influenced decisions made on behalf of both sides of the conflict. Not to mention, their gatherings have helped motivate one another to continue their cause.

 If you live in America, or any country with freedom of religion, you are blessed. You should make every opportunity to join together with fellow believers to worship God in one accord, to show Him your thankfulness for blessing you and providing the freedoms you have to commune with people who share the same beliefs as yours. Just as today’s passage by Paul says, “to be encouraged together”.

 God never planned for you to live a life of solitude as a Christian. He wants you to join others for the cause of Christ. If we are going to make a difference in this world, the church family needs you to join them, to show support and to strengthen your faith in God. Together we can make a difference. Come join your local church today, you’ll be glad you came! God bless!

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