Friday, July 22, 2016

And the heavens will praise Your wonders, O Lord;
Your faithfulness also in the assembly of the saints.
Psalm 89:5

Most of us enjoy a good party. A celebration of some kind: birthday, coming home, graduation or just gathering together with friends. Parties are fun and usually with lots of good food! Unfortunately, parties only last a short while, then they end and everyone has to go home.

As Christians, we are daily preparing for an eternal party in heaven. A time where we will celebrate and praise God, creator of all things. Just think how awesome it will be to one day stand in the presence of our Holy God! Thankfully that party has no ending...only an eternity of praise and worship.

Are you preparing your life for the heavenly party? Everyone is invited....all they have to do is accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior and live for Him each day. That's the invitation God gives us. He wants us to attend. Are you holding an invitation? If not, my prayer is that you will ask Jesus Christ to forgive your sins and come into your life forever and accept His free gift of Salvation.

For those who are on the list to attend, I encourage you to invite others...share the good news of Jesus Christ. We have something awesome to look forward to...share that joy with others today. Have an awesome Friday friends and God bless!

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