Monday, July 25, 2016

"In your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed, because you have obeyed My voice"
Genesis 22:18

One of my favorite stories in the bible is about Abraham. He was faithful to God and obedient in all matters. Abraham and his wife Sarah longed to have a child. God promised Him a child, but took 25 years to fulfill that promise. Years later, God tested Abraham's obedience by instructing him to offer his son Isaac as an offering on an alter. 

You have to think to yourself, geez......why did God have to go to the extreme and test Abraham...telling him to slay his only son? Imagine what Abraham was thinking and feeling? But despite his feelings and love for his only son, Abraham was faithful and followed through with God's instructions right up to the moment of slaying Isaac when an Angel of the Lord appeared and stopped him....and provided a ram for the sacrificial offering. Imagine the joy of Abraham!

Obedience for Christians is putting complete trust and faith in God's word and following His commands through scripture and responding to His voice when spoken to us through the Holy Spirit. Oftentimes God calls us to do things which don't make sense and seem out of sync with our feelings and thoughts. But God sees the "big picture", He has a specific plan for your life and knows the path you need to follow.

I say "follow", because God has already gone ahead of you on that path. He has prepared that path just for grow you in your walk with the Lord, to bless you and make you more complete as a child of the living God. Every day is filled with decisions....obedience or disobedience. Who are you going to follow....Godly desires that bring blessings OR worldly desires that take away the holiness from your spiritual life?

God leaves the decisions up to you. But, He promises to bless you through your obedience no matter how illogical or contrary to our reasoning. Like I always say...God blesses obedience. Surrender your life to Christ and live an obedient life....I promise you God will shower you with His sweet blessings. Have an awesome Monday friends and God bless.

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