Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Psalm 46:1  God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

As strong storms passed through our area, I was on my porch taking pictures when I noticed a partial clearing in the sky and a rainbow formed for a few minutes. The rainbow represents a promise from God. How fitting…..God’s promise in the middle of a storm. He promises to protect us, uphold us and strengthen us in the middle of a storm.


I’m reminded of body builders who work-out continuously to build muscle and strength.  During the workouts, the muscles are put to the test….pushed harder each time so they can grow in size and strengthen. After a workout, the muscles are sore….but as the old saying goes….”no pain, no gain”.


So true in our walk with the Lord. God allows trials in our life to strengthen our faith and help us grow in pursuit of complete sanctification.  This “spiritual workout” can be and is usually painful, but necessary to strengthen the weak areas of our faith.  I have been through many spiritual trials in my life and I can tell you they have helped me grow in my faith and trust in God. He is ALWAYS there to help us even in the worst of circumstances.


Although I don’t look forward to life’s trials, I can always have confidence in the Lord to be there for me.

How about you? Are you facing a trail that looks frightening or painful? God is bigger than any storm you face. Just remember this picture….God’s promise to be our refuge in the middle of a storm. Lean on Him and he will carry you through it! God bless friends!

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