Friday, July 29, 2016

Jesus said to him: "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind."  Matthew 22:37

Jesus was asked by a lawyer, "which is the greatest commandment in the law?" His response was the above verse. Do you love the Lord your God with every part of your being? Lets break it down.

1. Heart: Your heart is the one organ that keeps you alive. If it stops, you are dead. So to love with your heart means God is the driving force that keeps you spiritually alive in all circumstances; through every trial, burden or tragedy. No matter what happens in your life, He is your very passion! Your love and commitment to Him never ceases.

2. Soul: As believers in Jesus Christ, our soul will one day be joined with Him in Heaven. As we go through life knowing this, our desire should be  to grow and mature our spiritual life so we will be ready for that blessed homecoming in Heaven! Our soul is like a hungry person....we need His nourishment to feed us through his word in the bible, in prayer and listening for His soft voice which encourages us and gives us direction in life.

3. Mind: Your mind controls everything you do. Nothing your body does happens without your brain telling it what to do. To love God with all of your mind means that He is everything you think about, everything you live for in life. God consumes your every thought and action. Nothing you do in life happens without passing it through God. Why? Because your desire is to be within complete obedience to Him.

Loving someone in this manner means you have a heart's desire for them, you want to spend time with them, they are the beat in your heart, they drive you to love back and they consume everything in your life. Do you love God in this way?  If you find it difficult to completely love God, you need to surrender more of yourself and "let go" of the things that hold you back from being a complete and obedient Child of God!

Loving God in all areas of your life will result in blessings far more abundant than loving anything or anyone else in life. Trust me...I know personally how He will bless you through a surrendered life to Him. Happy Friday everyone and God bless!

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