Sunday, July 24, 2016

Though its waters roar and be troubled,
Though the mountains shake with its swelling.
There is a river whose streams shall make glad the city of God.
Psalm 46:3-4

I had the opportunity this weekend to get out of town and spend some quality time with God in the Smokey Mountains of Tennessee. A much needed trip as I continue to seek out God's direction for my life. I have always been so fond of the mountains. The enormity in size, shape and beauty. Home to thousands of living creatures and plants. Its truly God's creation at its best.

I spent a few hours down by the creek reading God's word and praying. The calm and peacefulness of the water flowing over the rocks reminded me of our journey with the Lord. God allows the trials and tribulations of life to flow through our lives. At times the weight of burdens are powerful like the flow of flood waters raging against us. It feels like the waves of adversity will topple us.  At other times the flow is steady and smooth, carrying on its daily journey to a larger pool of water.

The beautiful thing about the water's wears off the rough edges of the rocks which it flows over. Slowly, those big, jagged rocks become smooth stones where the water flows much smoother in beautiful to watch. In the same way, God uses all forms of adversity to smooth out the rough areas of our life, so His Spirit can flow more smoothly in and through us.  As we continue to grow and mature in our walk with the Lord, we look at adverse times as opportunities to polish our spiritual life and grow in maturity. 

The picture of a mature life in Christ, is like the calming waters, smoothly flowing over the rocks as it continues its journey onward. The next time you encounter adverse situations, don't fret! God has allowed the floodwaters to flow into your life to make something beautiful for His glory and blessings to you! God bless friends!

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