Thursday, July 28, 2016

For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome.
1 John 5:3

As humans we have a tendency to avoid or turn our back on rules we don't want to follow.  Maybe your battle is speeding down the seriously who drives 55? Lol.

For some, they avoid church and don't read their bible because they don't want to hear how to live their lives according to God's standard. Many people look at the bible as a bunch of unreasonable rules and don't want to hear the truth.

My friend, I can honestly say, the truth will set you free! As I have slowly worked to remove a lot of the "world" from my life, I have found more freedom in Christ. His holy word of instructional living is for our benefit; to protect us from harm and evilness, to give us eternal hope for tomorrow and by following His commands...blessings are sure to follow.

Don't turn your back on God and his commands. By living an obedient life, you will find yourself free from the wordly drama and things that so easily entangle you in emotional strongholds and fear. It simply boils down to how much of "you" are you willing to surrender for a life of "true" freedom.

Pray for God's spirit to give you strength and lead you daily in your walk with Him. He will do it and your life will be more meaningful. Have a terrific Thursday and God bless!

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