Sunday, July 10, 2016

that you aspire to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business, and to work with your hands, as we commanded you. 1 Thessalonians 4:11

Years ago I ran across this passage while pursuing a hobby in woodworking. I found it quite fitting, especially "work with your hands", that I made a sign with this passage and displayed it in my shop.

I love this passage, as its short and to the point. Wouldn't it be wonderful if everyone lived by these simple words of wisdom? In this day and time, it can be difficult to live a quiet life....and mind your own business. LOL, with social media....everyone's business is known to all! If you spend much time of face book (as I use to do), you will find time escapes quickly and for what purpose?

In an effort to reduce stress and simplify my life, I did away with cable tv (200 channels and nothing good to watch), spent less time shopping (doing the Dave Ramsey "get out of debt" program) and now excluded myself from face book. Although the stresses of life still pursue....I have less things to distract me from my ultimate goal....focusing on God!

When Paul wrote this passage for the church in Thessalonica, I believe he knew the secret to a genuine spirit filled life....a simple, less complicated life, fewer distractions equaled more time for a personal relationship with God.  Nothing in a Christian's life is MORE important that a closer walk with God through prayer (a lot of prayer), bible reading and quite time to hear His soft voice!

Does your life seem like a complicated mess? Overwhelmed with debt, activities and drama? Finding time to commune with God may seem like a challenge. But trust me friend....set apart 15 - 30 minutes at the start of your day and dedicate it to prayer and devotion time....and you will see His hand guide you through life's challenges and carry you through life's storms. The closer you walk with the Lord, the less desire you will have for things of the world and your life will be more enriching and eyes open to the beauty of life. Give God your time and find true meaning and happiness! God bless friends!

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