Saturday, July 30, 2016

The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous,
And His ears are open to their cry. 
Psalm 34:15‎
A good parent will always keep his or her eyes on their child at all times, especially when away from home. And the cry of someone's child may sound routine, but for that child's parent...their cry is anything routine. Upon hearing their cry the parent's total focus is on the child to see what they can do to take away their sadness. 

How true this is with our loving Lord. He cares for us just like a parent does for their child. His eyes are always on us and he is ready to guide and direct us in the way we should go... through the voice of the Holy Spirit living inside of us. And when we are in a dire situation and cry out to Him, His loving presence saturates our life and provides the necessary healing and strength to move forward. 

Maybe you've never looked at God in the role of a parent. We should, for He created each one of us with our own characteristics and qualities and imperfections. He loves you so much, He offered His Son, Jesus Christ, as a sacrifice for the very thing that seperates you from Him...your sin. God became part of the human family so that we could become part of His heavenly family. 

Spend time this weekend thanking God for His presence in your life and the profound love He has for you. As Christians, we are blessed to know the world's creator considers us His children and loves us unconditionally. 
May you all have a safe and blessed weekend.

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