Tuesday, July 26, 2016

"He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first".
John 8:7

In John 8: 3 - 11 we read about a woman caught in the act of adultery and brought before Jesus and the accusers questioned him about the law of Moses.....death by stoning the adulteress. Jesus response to the crowd was basically....let the first one who is without sin throw the first stone. He proceeded to write in the dirt with his finger. It is thought he was writing out sins of the accusers.

There is such a powerful message in this one incident that we can learn.....no sin is greater or lesser than any other sin. Jesus considers all sin wrong. Sin is the reason Jesus came to earth, to provide a sacrifice for our disobedience. His life was tempered in holiness in the flesh of a human body. Jesus life shows us the true thought process of God.

The bad news is we are all sinners. Our fleshly minds can easily sway towards disobedience. When we do, we distance ourselves from God and His goodness and purposeful blessings. It is so important to stay in tune with God on a daily basis through bible reading, study and much prayer. By doing so, we will be less likely to look at other's sin and focus on keeping our life on track so we can be a useful tool in the hands of God.

There is something even more powerful at the end of this story. Jesus asked the woman: "Woman, where are those accusers of yours? Has no one condemned you? She replied "No one Lord".
Jesus replied to her in the most awesome statement: Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more.

WOW.....can you imagine facing Jesus and He pardons your sin? Fortunately, you can imagine it, because Jesus can pardon your sin if you accept Him into your life and have the desire to live for Him on a daily basis. When you do ask Him into your life, He resides in your heart and erases the sin of your past and forgives you of future sin. By doing so we can have a deep and personal relationship with God!

Have you received Jesus pardon? If not, simply pray to Him, asking for His forgiveness of  your sin and express your desire to have Him reside in you and start living a life pardoned for all eternity. Have a blessed Tuesday!  

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