Friday, July 15, 2016

My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness. 2 Corinthians 12:9

As Christians we often times forget we have the power of Jesus Christ living inside of us through the Holy Spirit. When faced with difficulties and challenges that appear bigger than us, we tend to worry or focus on them until they consume our thoughts night and day. By doing so, there is no room in our minds and lives for anything good or positive. We become ineffective for the Lord.

God made us...He knows our weaknesses and frailties.  He allows us the opportunity to give our weaknesse...our worries...everything to Him. When we release these to Him in complete faith, He steps in and carries the load for us in a miraculous way.

Don't let your weaknesses, worries and fears overtake you...release them to Jesus today and live a life free from the chains that bind you. Have an amazing day friends and God bless.

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