Thursday, July 14, 2016

Jesus said: Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in me. In My Father’s house are many mansions, if it were not so, I would have told you. I go and prepare a place for you. And If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself.  John 14:1-3


When we expect company to visit, we usually prepare our house for their arrival. This involves cleaning house, re-stocking the necessities and having food and beverage ready for our guests. When they arrive, we want to them to feel welcome and rest from their travels.


As we move through life on our spiritual journey, Jesus Christ is preparing our mansion in Heaven for our arrival. It will be a place of comfort, peace and most of all we will be in the presence of God…holy and pure in all righteousness. The beauty of this place and the awesomeness of God will be overwhelming!


Knowing we have a well prepared mansion for us on the other side, should encourage us as Christians to live a life worthy of our Lord’s preparations. God not only prepared a home for us in Heaven, He provided us the vehicle to travel to our eternal home….Jesus Christ. Jesus not only died on the cross for our sins and created the pathway for us to our eternal destination, but He gave us the Holy Spirit who lives inside of us…guiding us through life. No GPS needed! J


How is your spiritual journey? Are you just riding along...looking out the window bored OR are you stopping along the way to do the Lord’s work by sharing the good news of Jesus Christ, giving of your time and money to help those in need and thanking God for his blessings along the way? We have an eternal home waiting for us in Heaven….lets do our part and serve the Lord as He has called us to do so when we arrive…he will greet us with “well done my good and faithful servant”.


Do something special for the Lord today and find His blessings in your life! God bless friends!

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