Monday, August 27, 2018

But someone will say, “You have faith, and I have works.” Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works. James 2:18

This is my favorite time of year. All the hard work from farmers yields the fruits of their labor. Fruits, nuts and fresh vegetables for sale along the roadside or at fairs. Somehow all of these delicious foods appear and taste better than what’s sold in the stores. Fall is in the air! 😊

Today’s verse focusses on faith and the results of faith..”works.” So often people get the two turned around. They think that good works will save them, sadly this is not true. Faith is what saves someone from an eternity in Hell. Faith and trust in Jesus Christ to forgive sins and be free from eternal punishment. As a result of that faith, fruit should grow from your life. Fruits like spiritual growth, helping others in their walk with the Lord, leading a lost person to the Lord through your actions or words, serving God through your local church….the list is endless. Time devoted to God shows the depth of your faith.

Hows your spiritual life? Are you generating fruit for the Lord or are you simply a pew sitting Christian waiting on a blessing? I can assure you every minute you devote to God nourishes your relationship with Him and blessings will befall you as you continue to produce Godly fruit through your obedience to Him. Grow fruit today by spending time doing the Lord’s work. There are many lost souls hungering for God, be that fruit! God bless

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