Monday, August 6, 2018

Plead my cause, O Lord, with those who strive with me; Fight against those who fight against me. Psalm 35:1

Well, its Monday. A new start to the work week. For many, Monday is always a challenge to get back in the work groove and deal with the challenges that face them, me included. So, what’s the best way to tackle those Monday challenges? Prayer and calling out to God for support.

I personally do this every day, asking God to go ahead of me, to make way for my path, give me wisdom to make right decisions, continuity of the office staff and for God’s hand of protection. And every week God shows up and shows out! I can’t tell you the number of times I see His hand working in each and every situation, to bring things together and provide a smooth path. Yea, there might be some stormy days, but God provides a way through those turbulent waves of adversity and provides sunshine ahead which gives me hope and encouragement.

Don’t go at the Monday challenges alone. Call out to God for help, wisdom and encouragement. He will come through when you acknowledge Him throughout your day! Trust me, He works on your behalf. Let Him into your Monday, and every day! God bless!

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