Tuesday, August 7, 2018

My son, do not despise the chastening of the Lord, nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by Him; For whom the Lord loves He chastens, and scourges every son whom He receives. Hebrews 12:5-6

While out riding yesterday, I came across a police officer who had a young man pulled over, most likely for speeding. As I rode by, I could see the frustration on the young man’s face, knowing this ticket was going to cost him a lot of money, maybe even his license. Failure to obey traffic laws will result in a ticket.

As Christians, God often allows some form of difficulty to come our way when we are out of sync with His ways, when we get going too fast in life and make poor choices or simply we’ve turned our back on Him. To truly know God is to understand that He DOES NOT want to dominate us, but love us….just like a father would his own son. God loves us and continually watches over us for His and our benefit. We are to represent Him in our daily life. When we do a poor job, He gets our attention through a difficulty. Unfortunately, God doesn’t always spare us of the consequences of poor choices. Yet through the difficulty, His plan is to bring us back into the fold of His love and fellowship with Him.

If you are going through a difficult time, its quite possible God is working through the difficulty to refine you, make you more Christlike and steer you in the right direction. Never discredit what God is doing, even when its painful. Pain generates new growth. Trust God and ask Him to show you the way forward so you can get back in line with His will for your life! Trust me, He will do it and quite possibly let you go with a warning 😊! Difficult times are God’s way of showing tough love, thank Him for caring and follow Him in obedience. God bless!  

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