Tuesday, August 28, 2018

When you lie down, you will not be afraid; You, you will lie down and your sleep will be sweet. Proverbs 3:24

How’s your sleep? Hopefully its been good. When sleep is good, it seems like everything in life is good. But, when stress and the troubles of this world come knocking…sleep eludes us and we are up and down all night, fretting over things that are out of our control. Does that describe you? Maybe its time to turn your focus away from those troubles and let God take control.

Easier said than done, but it can be done when you learn to trust God with every element of your life. For me, I’ve found that praying about the situation and for the people involved in it changes things. Prayer directs God’s attention onto your problems, like squirting water on a fire. Your fire of trouble might be big and take a lot of prayer, but trust me, every minute in prayer is one more moment God is working to extinguish those flames of adversity.

Better sleep requires more prayer. Drugs, alcohol and prescription meds only cushion the problem. Prayer works to douse those flames so you can sleep with ease. Over time you’ll see your sleep is sweeter and you are refreshed for the new day. Trust God with your problems and see Him take you back to that restful night’s sleep you use to have as a child. God be with you and bless you friend!

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