Wednesday, August 15, 2018

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1


In my motorcycle travels this summer I have run into a number of rain storms. Rain is not your friend when on the motorcycle. Although the rain gear helps, it’s just not safe or fun to ride. Thankfully there are plenty of gas stations around that I can pull into for cover and protection from the storm and either warm up with coffee or refuel my energy with a Gatorade.


As you journey through life, you’ll encounter storms that wear you down, worry you and all you want to do is seek shelter from its impacts. Find comfort and protection under the mighty hand of God. He most likely has allowed the storm to cross your path for a purpose. Take advantage of His loving care to see you through the difficult circumstance and gain strength and wisdom through the chaos.


Are you riding into a storm? Maybe in the middle of it? Call out to God for help, seek Him as He will provide the necessary shelter and empowerment to work through it as you navigate towards the sunny skies of tomorrow. God bless!  

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