Thursday, August 16, 2018

If your brother sins against you, rebuke him; and if he repents, forgive him. Luke 17:3
In my bible this passage text is in red, which means it came straight from the mouth of Jesus Christ. The One who displayed the ultimate form of forgiveness. Jesus has given us a lot of instructions for life, but I think the hardest one for many is forgiveness.
Pride often gets in the way of those who can’t forgive and forget. Pride is a stumbling block to completely following the Lords will. Maybe you’ve been wronged by someone, heard words said about you that brought pain or your heart was broken by someone you truly cared about. Friend, its time to LET GO of the pain, anger, hurt and move forward by forgiving your offender.
Forgive and forget. It’s a tall order. But, if you truly want to discover freedom in Christ, you will follow His example and get past your pride and emotions to forgive. It’s a freedom only Christ can provide, but the first step begins with you. Find forgiveness in your heart today! God bless!

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