Monday, April 1, 2019

And the apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith.” So the Lord said, “If you have faith as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, Be pulled up by the roots and be planted in the sea, and it would obey you.”

Luke 17: 5-6

In today’s world we have a lot of faith in things like…trusting our employer will transfer our pay check to the bank, the engine will start on our vehicle, the jet we ride on will fly. We have to maintain a certain level of faith in things, even people, if we want to go thru life without worrying or losing our minds.

The same is true with the Lord. Once saved, you have the assurance of God’s presence in your life through His Holy Spirit. He guides you through each day, providing wisdom to make right choices, convicting you when a wrong choice has been made, shielding you from certain things and sustaining your strength (emotionally and physically) when the heat of the battle is ongoing. Yet, oftentimes we have more faith in worldly things and not so much with God. I truly believe the strength of our faith determines the portion of blessings we receive.

I can tell you over my lifetime my faith in God has been proven time and time again. As I’ve gotten older, my faith and trust in God has grown because of past experiences…seeing God’s hand work in certain situations. I can assure you, you can trust Him with everything. When you put your total dependence on Him, you open the door for God to work in your situation.

Faith in the Lord doesn’t take much. A mustard seed is just a little bigger than the end of a pen. If Jesus can relate the power of our faith to a mustard seed, then you know He can handle anything you give Him. But, you gotta have faith in Him and believe He will come through. Trust Him today with your problems and see Him at work. Your faith is the open door to receiving God’s blessings today!

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