Tuesday, April 16, 2019

He went a little farther and fell on His face, and prayed, saying, “O My Father, if it possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will.” Matthew 26:39

Before Jesus crucifixion, He went to a quiet spot to pray to God. He knew His life’s purpose was about to be fulfilled, yet it overwhelmed Him by what He would have to endure leading up to His death. Yet in His final plea to God for a different path, He accepted God’s will and He allowed the plans to carry through, just as stated in the bible. 

Jesus Christ calls us, His children, to follow Him in complete obedience. We oftentimes know the right thing to do, yet we want a different plan because we know it will either bring us less pain or make us happier in life. God’s ways aren’t always easy and oftentimes contradict someone’s reasonable thinking. But, by His standards, your life will be shielded from the effects of the world’s toxicity and dead-end roads that lead to years of loss and pain. 

What has Jesus called you to do? It might take everything you’ve got to follow His instructions closely, but trust me….its worth everything you have to surrender and go through to get in the center of God’s will for your life. Take each step in the right direction and you’ll never go wrong in life! God bless!

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