Monday, April 22, 2019

Now Peter sat outside in the courtyard. And a servant girl came to him, saying “You also were with Jesus of Galiliee.” But he denied it before them all, saying “I do not know what you are saying.” Matthew 26:69-70

This weekend I attended a production about the life and death of Jesus Christ. When Jesus was arrested and brought before the court, Peter, one of Jesus closest followers, was called out three times by different people, saying he was with Jesus. And every time Peter denied knowing Jesus. 

How could Peter deny Jesus Christ? Peter followed Jesus every step of the way and learned from him, even said he would die for Jesus. Yet, when the pressure was upon him, Peter denied him to save himself from possible pain and rejection. I began to think about life and our relationship with Jesus. 

How do we handle life when the pressure is on or faced with temptation? Its easy to do what we want in life, taking the easy road. It gives us a temporary pleasure and avoids pain. At the same time though, we deny our association and commitment to Jesus when we go against His standards of living. When we do, we miss His rich blessings and will most likely suffer the consequences of our actions in time. 

I encourage you to walk cautiously through each day, keeping your focus on Jesus Christ and making right decisions. He will bless you for your obedience and commitment to Him. Don’t deny Him today, live righteously and find pleasure in your association with the Savior. God bless!

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