Tuesday, April 9, 2019

For when I am weak, then I am strong. 2 Corinthians 12:10

For the past month of so we’ve been dealing with my girlfriend’s mother who fell and had to spend time in the hospital and physical therapy rehab. Eventually she was released from the hospital and has been staying with her son. This coming week we will move her back into her house. But there is one condition to her going home…the use of her walker. 

As I witnessed her gain her strength back and use the walker, I could see she moved better, had more confidence in every step and it kept her stable. That walker is a huge help for her, but like most elderly people, they don’t want to rely on a walker. Their pride gets in the way and they want to depend upon themselves to do what they’ve known all along…walking unassisted. 

That leads me to today’s thought. “For when I am weak, then I am strong.”. Love this verse and really never truly comprehended its meaning until recently. You see, when you are at your weakest moment of life…emotionally, spiritually or physically, God will step in and provide what’s necessary to keep you moving through life. On one condition….if you allow Him to do this for you! Once you open the door to His strong hand, even in your weakest moment, you’ve got the strength of God on your side. Nothing can provide you strength to get you through the challenges of life like His strength. 

Maybe you are going through a difficult time and your feel like you have no strength to carry on. Don’t carry that burden one more day alone. Give it over to God and let Him be your strength. He loves you and wants to help you on a daily basis. Remove the pride and let the strength of God make you stronger each and ever day! God bless!

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