Thursday, April 25, 2019

Cast all your anxiety on the Lord, because He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7

You hear so many people talk about anxiety these days. Like everyone deals with it in some way and it appears more and more people deal with it every day. Anxiety wasn’t a commonly used word when I was growing up. About the only time I experienced anxiety is when I knew I would face my dad when I did something wrong…which didn’t happen that often thankfully! 😊

So where am I going with this, well..the older I’ve gotten, the more anxiety I’ve felt about things. Just the other day I was dealing with something and shaken to the core. It pretty much lasted all day, then it was gone. Prayer helped remove those feelings and worries, and God replaced them with His peace. It can be difficult to let go of those things, but the key is letting God have it and keeping your focus upon Him and not the thing that troubles you. 

Casting your anxiety on the Lord is like throwing something heavy in a wheel barrel. It takes the weight off you and centers it on the tool that will help you move forward in life….it might always be there, but you will be able to manage with God’s help. Whatever troubles you, give it to God and He in turn will lighten your load as you journey through life! God bless!

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