Tuesday, April 30, 2019

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.     James 1:5

Oftentimes in life we come upon situations that generate questions. What should I do, whom shall I trust, why is this happening to me….the questions never stop and we try our hardest to figure it out, and still find ourselves asking the same questions over and over. Can you relate?

And I quote from my grandmother Nedra, “Our life is created to be centered on God, nor self.” Here lately I’ve been reminded that I don’t have all the answers and wisdom to figure things out. I need God. So, slowly as I release my worries, questions and troubles to Him, He fills that void with His wisdom, His encouragement and His peace. Oh, the peace of God, who can find anything more perfect than what He provides.

Maybe you are at the cross roads in the decision-making process and can’t seem to decide which way to go. Ask God for His wisdom so you can see things from a Godly perspective. He has the situation in His control. The more you seek His wisdom, the more you’ll see the direction He wants you to proceed! Boy I needed that this morning! Have an awesome day friend! God bless!

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