Sunday, April 21, 2019

And whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted. Matthew 23:12

Happy Easter everyone. Today we celebrate Christ resurrection from the dead. His death on the cross was payment for the sins of mankind. God’s love for His creation was very evident on the day of Jesus death. He wanted to bridge that gap so we can easily come to Him with our praises, needs and intimacy.

Today’s verse is a great reminder of how we can live a Christ like life. By humbling ourselves, we make room for others to see Christ living in us. We are not ahead of the pack or trying to outshine others, but simply living our daily life, surrendering our pride so that the light of Christ can shine outward to the people around us. I think about Christ final minutes of life on the cross, He was in full view of those in attendance. Upon His death, the storm clouds came, the ground shook and people came to realize this humble man was the Son of God. 

As you celebrate Easter today, find time to humble yourself so you can make room for Jesus Christ to work in your life and impact those around you. On the day of your death, it will be sweet to hear your Savior say…”Well done, my good and faithful servant!” God bless!

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