Thursday, April 4, 2019

Pray without ceasing. 1 Thessalonians 5:17

One of the favorite things my girlfriend and I do is talk. We can talk for hours on end and never run out of things to say. Back and forth, we share the good, bad and the ugly things that happened that day at work and in our every day life. Our conversation is a two-way street, conversing back and forth.

Have you ever considered talking to God in the same fashion? If you are a child of God, you have access to Him 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. He lives in your life through the Holy Spirit and responds when you start talking to Him.

Talking to God is also a two-way street, you talk, then give Him time to respond. Oftentimes I hear people say they don’t hear back from God. I believe in those times He wants you to read His word, the Bible, for His response. The bible is God’s word and it provides all the wisdom, encouragement and guidance a person needs to navigate the Christian life. But, just in a conversation with another person, you have to pause to allow the other person to talk. Same with God, take time to hear from Him either through His Holy Spirit or the bible.

God’s talking back, are you listening?

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