Thursday, April 18, 2019

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1

I read an article this morning entitled “What Happened Before the Big Bang.” Scientist have been trying to prove that our existence and the world in which we live all generated from space matter with things coming together, human life and earth was formed. One question asked in the article….what happened before the big bang? Their response…”we don’t know.” “We don’t know what we are looking for, until we have a theory.”

If you ask me, it takes more faith to believe in this cosmic story of some big bang and I developed out of space dust. Some of the most intelligent people in the world are still trying to answer the question about how we got here. 

I can tell you without any doubt, there is a God and He created the world in which we live. And He created you…..”So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female.” Genesis 1:27. There you have it, the answer to life and how you were created. And the cool thing is we were created in the image of God. We are like Him in so many ways. 

The answers to life, the world and space may be complex, but the simple truth is found in the existence of God and what He can do. Trust the word of God today and study the bible for life’s wisdom. IT has all the answers. Find it today by starting in the beginning! God bless!

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