Tuesday, February 5, 2019

6Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition,
with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
7And the peace of God, which
transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ
Philippians 4:6-7

Far too often we encounter a problem or concern that appears to be bigger than our ability to work through it. And truth be known, it probably is sometimes. But after years of living a life with Christ, I can assure you HE listens to His children and responds to every request by providing His loving best. The key to getting His help is our surrender to let go and let God take over.

When we release our problem into His hands, He knows exactly how to respond because He can see over the mountain top and has the best route planned for your journey through the difficulty. The cool thing about God is He sprinkles little blessings along the journey so you know He is working on your behalf and personal interest. I’ve been there and experienced these things first hand. And when you walk, remain quiet so you can hear His soft voice of wisdom and encouragement. He often speaks in the quietness as a whisper so you know its really Him. The world yells and screams, but not God. His soft voice is calming and will be enough to carry you on another day.

Bring your request before God and find the perfect response. God is watching out for you friend and knows the way to go. Trust His soft-spoken voice and relax in His presence as the peace of God guards your heart and mind as you take each step of faith! God bless!

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