Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Remember that Jesus Christ, descended from David, was raised from the dead according to my gospel: 2 Timothy 2:8

The other day I was driving along and came upon a sharp curve in the road. As I slowed my speed and entered the curve, I thought to myself, this is pretty dangerous and if someone isn’t careful, they will fly off the road and hit a tree. No longer did I finish my thought when I looked up to see a memorial cross along the roadside. Sure enough, someone died in that bad curve.

God spoke to me at that very moment. As we go through life, we can oftentimes see trouble ahead. We think we’ve got a handle of our circumstances, but quite often we aren’t equipped to tackle what very well could be a trap, set up by Satan himself, to derail our life. The best advice I can give you is to always remember Jesus Christ when you see danger or a challenge ahead. He already paid the price with His life and opened the door to a personal relationship with you. Upon receiving Him into your life, He promised never to leave nor forsake you.

As you approach those twist and turns in life, remember Jesus Christ. He can help keep you safe no matter the challenge or struggle. He is simply one prayer away…Jesus..take the wheel of my life and help me get through this day! God bless!

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