Monday, February 25, 2019

And the people spoke against God and against Moses; “Why have you brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? For there is no food and no water, and our soul loathes this worthless bread.” Numbers 21:5

After years of enslavement, the Israelites were freed through the leading of Moses and the power of God. Once separated from their enslavement, they were questioning God’s next move and how they would survive in the place they had to go before He delivered the “Promised Land.” I’m sure many of them thought they were better off while being slaves as their basic needs were met. As we read further in scripture, we see that God did feed His people and cared for their needs for 40 years.

 When someone breaks away from something they were enslaved to, they might find life more difficult because they have to cope with the changes that face them. Some might be tempted to go back to the comforts they were used to. Drugs, alcohol, pornography, wild living, casual sex….and more. These things can become addictive and enslave us. The void they fill is real, but in the end can destroy lives and character.

Maybe you are trying to give up something to better your life, and you feel like you are in the wilderness, feeling all alone and longing for those simple comforts you found while in bondage. Don’t take a step backwards. God is with you and will provide you the willpower to make it through another day as you move towards your promised land of reward for your commitment to staying free of those addictions. Keep your focus and replace old thoughts with thoughts of how life will be better once totally freed from your enslavement to sinful ways. God loves you and will help you today and every day! Call upon Him in the wilderness of life! God bless!

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